Saturday, January 2, 2016

The start begins almost here.

Hello world :-)

This is the first post on the Blog site for the Ham Radio show , 'The Ham Sandwich'.
The Ham Sandwich' is hosted by two Ham radio operators , me , Greg White in Helsinki Finland , and Steve Carter over in Omaha Nebraska USA.

Steve and I both feel that there has been lacking for many years a good show for Ham Radio operators , and other Radio electronics hobbyists to enjoy.

Many shows have come and gone , some start out well , , and then just peter out into nothingness.
Some start well , and then lose their way.
Again other shows start well , but in their pursuit to make money , take on advertisers and then things just seem to become a show of non stop adverting and ego inflating.

Both Steve and I take Amateur Radio seriously , seriously in the way that its not simply a worthless game that can be played.
We view Ham Radio as a technological pursuit that offers unique opportunities to Radio electronics experimenters. , and that you get out of it what you put into it.

As in all technical pursuits education is involved and this we feel is vital for Ham Radio to survive in the 21st century.

We both continue to learn every day as we tackle our own work bench trials and tribulations and we endeavor to use 'The Ham Sandwich' show to help inspire other Hams or Radio hobbyists to try their own projects , their own custom builds , and their own repairs.

For a number of years Hams have been drawn away from building and repairing , and have become spoiled with mass produced 'soulless' rigs.

This has to change as the appliance operator mentality ROBS YOU of the part of Ham radio , that is the best part.

Please follow us , Greg and Steve as we continue our own adventure in electronics , and hopefully we all can learn something new along the way.

After all , that really is what ham radio is meant to be all about.

gregW:-)  OH2FFY

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